Christopher D’Amico, Co-Founder
Christopher D’Amico, Assoc. AIA; is a Co-Founder of Overhead Studio. Having met Andrew during undergraduate studies at The University of Miami School of Architecture, Chris continued his education to pursue a graduate degree in Harvard’s Master’s of Architecture in Urban Design program. Chris is a designer and a well-published academic thinker with expertise in architectural design, urban design, project management, academic research, community engagement, and charrette leadership. He has taught design studios and co-coordinated drawing courses at the University of Miami for 3 years, and taught multiple graduate capstone charrettes for University of Miami’s MRED program.
University of Miami School of Architecture B.Arch 2019
Harvard Graduate School of Design MAUD 2021
Andrew Clum, Co-Founder
Andrew Clum, RA CNU-A, AIA; is a Co-Founder of Overhead Studio. Having met Chris during undergraduate studies at The University of Miami School of Architecture, Andrew continued his education to pursue a graduate degree in Yale’s M.Arch II Master’s program. Andrew has a love for city design with expertise in cartography, architectural design, urban design, and financial advice to local municipalities. Andrew’s research on the history of design and development in Miami has led him to publishing through a joint company entitled Underwater Publishing. Andrew also teaches design studio and co-coordinates drawing courses at the University of Miami School of Architecture.
University of Miami School of Architecture B.Arch 2019
Yale University School of Architecture M.Arch II 2023
Elmira Moskvina, Project Designer
Elmira Moskvina, is a project designer at Overhead Studio. Having graduated Yale’s M.Arch I Master’s program, Elmira specializes in vernacular architecture and excels in architectural design, particularly in urban and large-scale projects. She has extensive experience in graphic design and visualization, with a focus on integrating aesthetic quality with communal needs. Elmira’s research primarily focuses on the anthropologic study of the built environment specifically, pagan and vernacular expressions of culture.
Parsons School of Design BFA 2020
Yale University School of Architecture M.Arch I 2024